Bibi On the Ropes

Steve Bell 16.12.2012

The Prime Minister of Israel seems to be on the ropes as his nation’s elections draw near.

Pulling a move from the conspiracy theorists play-book, Benjamin Netanyahu alluded to  a global leftists plot that was undermining his most recent quest for re-election as PM.

While he may be partially correct, Bibi’s problems are as much domestic as they are international. He and his Likud party are losing favor as their right-wing leanings have been seen to lean too far-right to even some of the staunchest of Israeli conservatives.

Bibi’s  gamble to woo members of the U.S. Congress to join his crusade against Iran may have been a bust, seen by many as a geo-political blunder especially so due to the blow-back from the #47 Traitors letter to Iran. Both diplomatic fax-pas may have cost Bibi some political cred.

'Now, remember, he's only Iran! I want you to get straight into him. No pussy footing around. Give him the old one-two, right from the get-go! No negotiating.'

“The public is fed up with Likud and with Benjamin Netanyahu.”said opposition party leader Isaac Herzog of the Zionist Union.

Acknowledging the splintered right and the falling grace of his Likud Party, Bibi desperately pleaded on The Voice of the South Radio “The right-wing is splitting. The right-wing must unite behind me and vote Likud.”

One senior Likud party member  said of the up-coming elections “If Tuesday turns out badly for us, there will be a reckoning.” seemingly casting doubts on the hopes of his party remaining in office.