
What’s going on in Washington? Have special interests run amok in the U.S. capital? Is there some sort of Illuminati or religious extremists guiding the military-industrial complex?

What to some may sound like the paranoid ramblings of a conspiracy theorists may actually hold some truth in lieu of recent events such as the revelation about Hillary Clinton’s private email server or the Republican party taking it upon themselves to negotiate with foreign states, both ally and enemy alike. Not to mention the Department of Justice’s damning report on the police department of Ferguson, Missouri proving many an activists right with its findings of racial profiling and revenue generating at the expense of justice.

The U.S. seems to be having an identity crisis as of late. A nation that was built upon democratic principals was proven to be an oligarchy by Princeton University study. The study found the U.S. is hardly ruled by the people, but rather by a small percentage of wealthy individuals and special interests groups.

In recent years those special interest groups have gained more influence by way of the Citizen’s United decision which removed any restrictions on campaign spending by outside special interests groups.

American citizens should be concerned that the a Republican controlled Congress skirted around the President and invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak at Congress early in March 2015 about Iran its nuclear capabilities.

To compound matters, a segment of the Republican held Congress took it upon themselves to write a veiled threat to the leaders of Iran in reference to any Executive made agreements; alluding to Congress being able to thwart said agreements.

While the youth of the world call for revolution, the U.S. appears to be in the midst of some small scale Civil War of words as the Republican party continues to play politics and jockeys for power.