Brian Williams Admits He Was Never Shot Down In Iraq by RPG

Williams: Hey, my bad on that whole
my-helicopter-was-hit-by-an-RPG thing, y’all

Hot Air, by Ed Morrissey
Original Article
Well, it happens. Who hasn’t been in a helicopter hit by an RPG a few times? Er … Brian Williams, even though the anchor of NBC News has been telling that story for more than a decade. But hey, Williams was telling the story to “honor and thank a veteran.” By lying about being under fire? On this broadcast last week in an effort to honor and thank a veteran who had protected me and so many others after a ground fire incident in the desert during the Iraq invasion I made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 yearsI’ve got say though; his explanation is quite brilliant!  Nicely put.  We’ve all elaborated on things that took place in our lives.