
What do you do if you want to limit access to your private, governmental  emails?

Purchase your own server of course.

A subpoena issued by a House investigation committee has revealed that former Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton utilized her own private server to administer her emails.

The initial subpoena issued to the State Department for access to Clinton’s email returned fruitless results. It turns out the Sate Department did not have Clinton’s emails as they were on her own private server.

The subpoena was due to an investigation to the Benghazi attack of 2012 which resulted in the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. The Republicans have attempted to turn the September 11 attack of 2012 into a political football.

Clinton, in an attempt to demonstrate transparency has stated that:

“I want the public to see my email.”

This big reveal is a prudent move in lieu of the upcoming 2016 election in which she is predicted to make a run for the presidency.

Critics of the clandestine move has stated that while it may have protected Clinton’s email from the prying eyes of unscrupulous government employees and nosy journalists; it was a security “fail” when global espionage is concerned.

Tech experts have postulated that without the National Security Administration overseeing the former Secretary of States email, hackers could easily have intercepted extremely important messages concerning United States security.

Some political analysts have said that Clinton will survive what some call a “political blunder” while others believe that the secret server will just compound her political troubles and add fuel to the fire of opponents wishing to use Benghazi against her in 2016.