

To the casual ear, the suggestion that ISIS or ISIL the Islamic State is a U.S. creation will be interpreted as some sort of fringe conspiracy theory and an impossibility judging by the horrific tactics employed by the terrorists state.

Yet a look at the chronology of events that lead up to the creation of ISIS as well as some cursory research into previous U.S interventionist actions will result in a shocking realization that yes whether directly or indirectly; the United States Government is as responsible for ISIS as Dr. Frankenstein was responsible for the creation of his monster.

The first sin of the U.S. Government was under the Bush Regime, while suffering from post 9/11 patriotic fervor, was to invade Iraq under the pretense of finding weapons of mass destruction.

The weapons were never found. Some proponents of Operation Iraqi Freedom cited the possibility that perhaps WMD’s in the form of chemical weapons were smuggled across the Syrian border during the early part of the 2003 Congressionally approved invasion.

The second mistake by the U.S. government was to install a Shia puppet-president in a nation that was previously ruled by a Sunni government. Enter Prime Minister Nouri Al Malaki who took power in 2006. But here is where it starts to get complicated as the U.S. entangles itself in a 1500 year old Holy Civil War that started long-ago after the death of the prophet Muhammad.

The U.S. had to consider Malaki a poor-choice from the get-go as he shared idealogical ties with supposed U.S. bogeymen, Iran and Syria, both predominately Shia nations.

The U.S. government’s third and final error was in the pulling-out of Iraq and leaving a void in military-leadership, despite being prophesied after 1991’s Desert Storm by the Military-Industrial complexes’ own golden boy, then Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney. Cheney was infamous for saying a Viet Nam style quagmire would be left in the wake of a U.S. troop removal.

As predicted, the insurgency (read “freedom fighters”) that were combating U.S. troops in occupied Baghdad began to evolve into what became known as “Al Qaeda in Iraq”, flying the black flag of Al Qaeda, also seen flying over the conquered U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.

“Al Qaeda in Iraq” did not evolve into ISIS until crossing the Syrian border and joining with members of the Syrian Revolutionary Army waging war with the West’s latest enemy President Bahar Al Assad. Assad the ally of not just Iran and Hezbollah, but also inconveniently of Russia, further demonstrating the convoluted nature of the Middle-East conflict.

As Assad was the chosen bogeyman of the day; and Libyan President Mumwar Qaddafi had been previously removed from office; the ISIS fighters were seen as allies to the cause by the U.S. and Western interests. Assad’s removal was desired so much so that U.S. interests employed a sneaky Turkish supply route to move weapons from the completed campaign in Libya to Syrian front lines.

It did not take long until the U.S. and it’s interests to quickly realize they had created a monster and began to backtrack on the arming of the Syrian rebels and began talking about allying with “moderate” Syrian rebels to distance themselves from the macabre madness dished-out by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Remember those WMD’s from 2003 that some say never existed while others postulated they were smuggled to Syria? Reports of chemical weapons being used in the Syrian Conflict began to surface, and Western fingers pointed the finger at the Assad regime, however evidence seems to place blame elsewhere, on the heads of Western armed anti-Assad forces.

One could dismiss conspiracy theories of CIA intervention in the Arab Spring and resulting violence it trailed behind it, but one can look into historical instances of very real CIA interventionist policies in Iran, Romania and in South America. Never forget that the Taliban were once armed by the CIA and less than scrupulous U.S. interests.

Is it possible that ISIS itself is a wholly fabricated bogeyman to garner support in a greater military campaign unforeseen by your average U.S. citizen?

Regardless of whether the U.S. directly or indirectly created ISIS or if it is just a media bogeyman; ISIS’ time on the world stage is a limited one having angered the powers of Jordan and the nation of Japan. Additionally, the nation of Israel is attempting to grab the reigns of media attention and redirect them onto the nuclear aspiring Iran.

The U.S. citizenry should take a good, hard look at any future conflicts and ask themselves if they really have a “dog in the fight” or are the actions of the U.S. government going to write a check they can not cash and create yet another Frankenstein monster that could turn on its creator.