The Internet of Everything is Coming


The modern lexicon is under construction daily as new inventions and concepts require new words to translate these new concepts. Over the years words like “tweet” and “bling” have been added to the dictionary. Some words like “internet”once referred to what we call a “network” of computers, now it brings to mind a vision of billions of connected computers with access to all of the knowledge of the world. This inter-connectivity is literally the Internet of Things. Its next evolution?

The Internet of Everything.

What is the Internet of Everything? The technology of the present is far removed from the pager technology of the 1990’s; we’ve come along way since beepers, that being said much of our technology today is connected through satellite technology and an interconnectedness. Utilizing cell-phone one can monitor home-cameras or adjust the lighting in  a living room 2,000 miles away.

Now imagine this interconnectivity being extended to refrigerators that monitors food supplies and emails the grocer for more goods, the cost of which is automatically deducted from your bank-account.

Other forms of interconnectivity are not limited to but inanimate objects but to living things. The micro-chipping of a beloved family pet is a good example of a commonplace technological advance that begins to connect all things in one giant world-wide network. Through the use of heart monitoring implants even grandpa can become interconnected in our present-day cyber-world.

It’s this sort of interconnectivity that will be revolutionizing the planet exponentially as technological advances are made at a faster and faster rate and made more readily available to even the poorest of the planet.