Will American Foreign Policy Fail Under a Cabal Led by Valerie Jarrett?

How Badly Will American Foreign
Policy Fail Under an Unaccountable
Cabal Led by Valerie Jarrett?

Breitbart National Security, by Charles Ortel
Original Article
Confirmation hearings in progress for crucial cabinet posts such as Defense Secretary and Attorney General miss an important reality in the Obama administration–the official chain of command apparently operates, when it does operate, only for show. Tough decisions are seen to be made by President Obama who was scrutinized in the process of winning two national elections–yet, it would seem our undoubtedly distracted Commander-in-Chief and cabinet secretaries are only junior partners to Valerie Jarrett who, to this day, never has been remotely vetted and sees issues primarily in terms of their domestic political relevance. Previous Presidents certainly had personal friends serve